James Crescenzi

I have always been enthralled by video game design. In high school I planned out upgrade and progression systems, analyzed and critiqued narrative systems, and drew character and equipment designs in the margins of my notebooks. At the University of Pittsburg I learned computer science. I took all the software engineering electives available, and began learning Unity on my own. I have dozens of prototype projects dedicated to learning a feature or cast away after spaghetti coding myself into a corner. I have since learned the importance of SOLID code design.

As an indie developer, I must wear many hats: Game Designer, Software Engineer, Narrative Designer, Audio Specialist, UI Designer, Graphic Designer and more. Because of this, I understand the momentous effort and plethora of specializations required to create a video game. My most complete game is called “Lightfall 2D”. It is a top-down shooter using a heavily extended and modified “Top-Down Engine” for Unity by MoreMountains. Lightfall 2D is complete except for some art (Enemies and main character), and is available for download below.

I will continue to use and hone my talents as a game designer to create entertaining and thoughtful experiences that players can connect with.